The Dawn Silva book - Shadows On The Wall / The Funk Queen

I think it probably went down that way with Computer Love. But I don’t mind, Charlie Wilson deserved that shit.

This book got a lot of really heavy chapters, especially the Gap Band chapters. I know it’s often hard to leave an abusive relationship. But still, even knowing that, every time she went back to that psychopath I was like nooo whyyy… I don’t know how many times I was like now it will get better, but it always just continued or got worse. It got so depressing that I had to take a break from reading several times. And yeah, that puppy story… that was fucked up.

Yeah, I don’t think I’ve heard Lynn say anything negative about any experience or people. She doesn’t seem to feel it was as bad, or perhaps she don’t want to talk about it. It would be interesting to hear her views about Dawn’s stories. Also Bernie’s perspective on when Lynn went with him to Talking Heads would’ve been interesting to hear. Yeah, it really felt like they left her alone and didn’t care.

Another thing that I thought about while listening to Lynn’s funkatopia interview was that while they talked about p-funk books she didn’t even mention Dawn’s book. Granted that it’s not her story. But still, she talked at length about Seth’s planned book. Sure, she was interviewed for that book so perhaps she feels closer to that one, but it still felt strange.

Haven’t seen Seth mention Dawn’s book either. I was even more surprised about that. Since he’s in the same situation trying to get his book out and I suppose he interviewed Dawn for the book, I thought he would at least post something (let me know if he did and I missed it). Also, I haven’t seen either GC or Bootsy post anything about the book…