Eddie Hazel gets audiophile release

Rhino just released Eddie Hazel’s Games Dames And Guitar Thangs as part of their Rhino Reserve series (and apparently also part of their Start Your Ear Off Right campaign). Rhino Reserve is Rhino’s new “audiophile” vinyl series. The price is $32 over at Rhino’s store.


Will be interesting to hear how it compares to an original copy, since it’s cut from analogue tape and all.

It’s mastered by Chris Bellman. Back in the day he worked with Allen Zentz who mastered the original release (and a lot of other pfunk releases as well). Chris Bellman is currently working at Bernie Grundman Mastering, so we’re in capable hands.

It’s not that often a pfunk album gets an “audiophile” release. The only other time I can remember is Speakers Corner’s A Blow For Me A Toot To You.

No matter what you think about the audiophile buzz word, it’s always nice when a pfunk release gets some extra love. The last reissue, the Real Gone one, was more focused on color variants.


Did they screw up the album title?

Aah yeah I see the extra s now. No that was just me :sweat_smile:, it’s correct on the record.

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Listening to mine for the second time now. Absolutely stellar pressing and reasonable pricing for vinyl these days. Sounds the best I’ve ever heard it! Shout out to Everybody’s Records in Cincinnati for always holding down the funk.


I was just at Everybody’s Records yesterday! Drove up from KY and picked up the Osmium 2CD set that came out last year. Also got a copy of Clones Of Dr. Funkenstein on vinyl, but after listening to it and checking around on discogs I suspect it is a pirate copy. So thrilled about the CD, disappointed in the record, but either way, Everybody’s is a great store!!

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Ha, that’s awesome! They’re my favorite record store of all time, been going since I was a young teenager. Over half my collection comes from them. I’ve gotten so much p-funk there. Can’t wait for the new Westbound Funkadelic reissues to start coming this year!

Got to really crank the album today and the instruments just pop out of the speakers! I’m gonna need them to go ahead and do the Rubber Band albums just like this is Warner still has the rights.


And now, it is sold out.

I did the Pepsi challenge between this pressing and the original first pressing. Couldn’t find any major difference between the two.