The old One Nation Board Room

The members’ introduction topic got me thinking about that old One Nation Board Room. To refresh your memories, I added three versions of it below :grinning:

Were any of you there on the old board? @Dan.Wooridge, I know you where there. Is that you in the first pic?


I was there too! I remember Dan from there…

Hi! J-Thang here. Yep I was on that forum just about every day. I was (assistant?) moderator for the last 2-3 years before it folded.


Welcome to the forum! I see your name in the first two images. :grin: :metal:t5:

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There was a lot of deep knowledge on that board that I’m sad is gone forever…


I spent plenty of times on those old boards. I was really upset when the last one went down.

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I spent plenty of times on those old boards. I was really upset when the last one went down.

Nobody was more upset than me! What the owner of the server did to me messed me up for a while! All that knowledge flushed down the toilet. Like a library burning down and I had no way to put out the fire. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


I was there, too. Miss the old Boardroom. We had some serious characters, but there was a lot of useful information shared as well. I used to post under b. thomas.

I see a lot of familiar names here: @Loc, @swang, etc. I think I’ll pull up a chair and stay a while.


-Dr. Spankatronix


Damn! That’s why this got automatic backups, so we can spin it back up again if something happens. :wink:

Welcome to the forum @Loc and @Dr_Spankatronix!


Speaking of backups, does anyone have/remember the URL for the old forums? It might be worth it to check the internet archive if you haven’t yet.

I was there, too.
At some point in time even band members participated. I remember posts by Clip, Kendra and Greg Boyer. Priceless!

I happened to have saved the URLs of the Boardroom 1.0 and 2.0. The wayback machine has some clickable links on 2.0 not so much on 1.0. And you only get my old login page from my 3.0 since I enabled username/passwords on that forum. Sadly you can’t access anything else, unless someone is better at the wayback machine than I am! lol

Boardrom 1.0

Boardroom 2.0

Boardroom 3.0

The arguments I would get into with the owner of that Yabbers server. I at one point was offering the guy 1,000$ for a backup and he kept refusing.

Anyone know what happened to RonG aka Ron Galloway? Very cool dude. We had some great conversation at the first P-Funk Boardroom convention.

RonG’s old website


Hey Loc! Lotta memories and a lotta familiar names from that Boardroom… (no word or RonG)


On a hard drive somewhere I got a backup of part of the second boardroom. If I find it and there’re some interesting discussions, it would be cool to import them here.


That would be some really interesting stuff to read!

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Saw that the mob was planing 2 nights at the 9:30 in DC August 13th and 14th for the “final tour”. LOL
I was at their “last show” in Fort Lauderdale 3 years ago. HAHA
Anyway, I was thinking about the first P-Funk Boardroom “convention” that was hosted by Gina Hall.
Was anyone on this forum at that event? I was there!



I was on the 3rd board pictured (the board), but lurked on one of the other boards for years without joining. Kinda like how I’ve been lurking here on this board for years prior to joining today. :smiley:


Welcome @gridhead :metal:t4:.

@Loc, that’s an awesome pic!

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I Was There for sure.


Hey gridhead – Welcome!