Can anyone upload HD photos of the Overton Loyd comics included in the liner notes of TAPOAFOM, This Boot Was Made For Fonk’n and Trombipulation?
Yes, I can scan them. Will take a couple of days, but I’ll let you know when it’s done.
Here’s the inner sleeve from Trombipulation in high res.
Can anybody make out the last word in this sentence? I got this far: “One question… How did they know about…”
Looks like Igloos…“One question…How did they know about igloos?”
Interesting. I wonder if there is more to the story given this frame (source).
I was on vacation! Thank you so much!
Yes, in “Nosey Nose” he declares the funk forever be froze.
The Nose of Admontillado! For some reason this comic comes off as a last-ditch end-of-his-rope attempt by Nose to finally kill off Starchild once and for all, while also explaining Trombipulation’s existence. It also implies George actually hates Trombipulation, but I like that album anyway.
I also like that play on “which one is George Clinton?” from Doo Doo Chasers. Which one ain’t George Clinton? All of 'em.
Strangely enough however, Starchile and Garry Shider are shown as seperate people! What?!
Not the case at all. There r 2 records that George said his “ego called for”. 1 was Trombipulation. The other was Some of my best jokes are friends .
I’ve loved them both since day one. “Bangladesh” with Tracey. Jeez!!
Thanks! Forgot that @SirNoseALot asked about that one as well.
Here’s another “Trombipulation comic”. Not exactly what was asked for, but it matched the discussion title.
Anyone have any more panels? I think there’s at least one more.
And one of No Nose Junior (character discussion here).
Image Links
Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Panel 4
Panel - Sir Nose No Nose Junior
I have a B&W print out of one of the GHS panels. I’ll try to dig it out soon.