Rare vinyl-only remixes

Thank you very much, dowloading now.

Ah found as user Floballs33 (is this you?) I’m in the queue :frowning:

No, that’s not me, but floballs has lots of good stuff. I’ve talked with him before, he may have downloaded everything I had.

It’s not vinyl, but I did grab some rare preview reel rips (~2 minutes) a while ago for Bullet Proof, Oh-Oh! and Do It Good that were about to expire from the Don Davis United Sound reel auction if anyone didn’t snag a copy.


Gah, seems I keep missing you. Finding plenty of folders with your name, but alas no User. Will keep looking!

yeah, people often share their “incoming” folder which by default separates by the username the files came from, so my name will turn up a lot there.

And I’m online like, about 100% of the time. When you sent that message it was a very rare exception. Try literally any other time… like right now!

if you search “psychoalphadiscobetaprosifunkstication” you should find my stash of p-funk goodies.

These preview rips that you grabbed, where did they end up? I don’t see them posted anywhere but the thread is long and maybe I missed it.

Soulseek, username PhunkPhunkPhunk. (Edit: Did a rescan.)

Tracks (renamed)

1500588 Bullet Proof

  • 1 Bullet Proof [3-13-85]
  • 2 Bullet Proof [3-13-85]

1500590 Oh-Oh_

  • 1 01 Oh-Oh_ [3-11]
  • 2 (2) Oh-Oh_ Instr. Mixes [3-11]
  • 3 1 Oh-Oh_ (Good Drum Piece) [3-11]

1500591 Do It Good

  • 1 1 Do It Good (#2 Flute) [3-17-85]
  • 2 2 Do It Good (Both Flutes) [3-17-85]
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Found you! Just sent a message, and downloaded Mixing Parts - thank you so much!

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