That’s Clip, but yes that’s what he says on the fade.
Dang, my bad
Going down the rabbit hole on the differences between this release is what just led me to discover these forums!
I appreciate all the effort y’all made in sorting this out years ago, since I was just going track by track and writing down all the differences on a whiteboard with the goal of assembling an “ultimate” version that groups all of the different shows together. I can’t believe that it’s actually 7 CDs worth of material!
Welcome to the forum @chime_on!
To be clear, P-Funk played the Beverly Theater for 2 nights in 1983. That second version of Atomic Dog is also featured on a compilation that was once available at supermarkets. I think I still have that compilation in the archives, but I’ll have to check.
Ok this thread has peaked my interest. I have had the US (I believe) edition of this for decades. Always the go to for live P-Funk. Are the differences between Japan and Europe worth the listen? Can anyone assist with the other versions?
I’ll check what version I got currently on my hdd and get back to you.