Hey fellow funkateers…
I’ve been away awhile so lots for me to catch up on in the forum.
So while i’m checking that all out, does anyone have an opinion on Garret Shider’s latest offering?
San Mateo, When We Have Love, I Ain’t Mad At It, Bi Polar (along with the title track & Cabin Fever to a lesser extent) are all worth the price of admission and are good for your earhole (in my humble…)
I haven’t given it a really thorough listen. Not to throw shade or anything, but I’m generally not too much of a fan of his stuff. He’s got a few tracks I like, I’m A Funkadelic and Sugar Rush come to mind. I think my favorite track he’s on has got to be Testifly on Tra’Zae’s Tra’zombipilation. I also don’t care for a lot of his stuff
but that song really hits, seriously great track if you ask me
Thanks for the heads up - wasn’t aware of this.
I don’t suppose anyone knows where you can get a CD, vinyl, flac or wav release?
(I don’t use Spotify - although It is on youtube and there are mp3s on Amazon)
edit: Just found this: https://www.thefunkstar.com/music
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I bought it - doesn’t look like there’s a physical release, but I bought the download anyway. Garrett kinda won me over recently and this is his tightest work yet.
I’m streaming it like mad. Fly is very fly.
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Hey @darkerthanblue!
Garrett is such a talent. Yeah Fly is great. San Mateo is also nice. I think I like most of the tracks on there. But I haven’t listened to it that much, I think it has to do with that it’s only digital.
I think that’s also the reason why I haven’t listened so much to Regurgitated Youth. I like it, but for some reason… Actually, I think that I’ve maybe seen that one on CD… Does anybody know if Regurgitated Youth has a CD release? Maybe it was from CD Baby before they retired their music store. Or maybe it’s just wishful thinking.
Yeah Testifly is great! But I like the entire album
. Not so sure about the other two records.
Did you get flac or just mp3?
Fly reminds of Thundercat. Shades of Curtis Mayfield, too but not in a wack, obvious way. I’m canning this album. It’s dope. Way better than I would’ve believed.
I’ve watched his podcast but no idea the cat was this funky. Should’ve known. Got good genes.
I ain’t mad at it is a dancer.
Listening to hand me down diapers now…
It was sent as 320 kbps mp3.
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I threw this album into a shuffle I was getting through. I just heard “Omarosa” and oh wow, if you follow US politics, it’s a pretty scathing critique of her. Excellent song.
What is beautiful is watching him grow from the old THC Mercs days and really mature as an artist.