Lyrical SPECulation (put on your sunglasses, folks)

Yeah, if I can’t do it by ear, get a copy and think about putting it into a music separator AI. I mean, this is for research purposes of course, so I don’t think there is too much to worry about.

You could rename the topic, since that’s basically what the topic started as (I mean, if you want to, no pressure either way :grin:).


My call for lyrical speculation or help, from anyone interested, would be to figure out the lyrics to “Nosey Nose” from those Mammoth Session leaks (yeah, I know, “again” :roll_eyes:). Idk, I’m just very interested in it since I can’t tell when it was first created (like late 70’s, mid 80’s, or 90’s). Clearly the rapping sounds 90’s, but maybe the base of the track is older.

And the lyrics themselves are pretty interesting to the fans of the P-Funk Mythology.

Nosey Nose - Partial Transcription

Narrator (George Clinton?):
Now, check this out.

Those who knows a nosey nose, knows-not.
Those who know not and knows they know not, knows.
It’s-not logical, it goes like this.

Now suppose Nose, knows, why in-the-funk would he’d be chose. Would he, could he, should he disclose, all that he knows, Nose knows, he knows? Nose, y‘know, he’s no Nose, [as all length goes(?)], [as all length arms, arms (?)], to the one dance, to the rhythm, to the beat, that I rose, funk will groove, just groove, (drug yes), groove [through(?)], funk it [all knows(?)].

[P-n’(?)] it on the one, as all [night grows(?)], as all like the [hoes/nose(?)].

“Through funk, Nose knows no funk,” crows Nose.

“Uh-oh,” goes Nose.

“Nose knows, he no-knows,” Nosey No-Nose blows. “Funk knows Nose! Who knows Nose, knows Nose. Nose? He knows. Now Nose, he knows of the funk he must dispose.”

Those who knows not, also knows not Nose.
Those who knows, who knows, who know, knows not.
Those who knows not, those who knows not, knows.
Those who knows, who knows, who know, knows not.
Those who knows not, and those who knows not, knows.

Nosey know.

Deep Voice:
So he knows. He knows Nosey know. Nose’s nose grow. Nosey know, he no know. Nosey knows no. Now [pre-sing//policing] is old Sir Nose[ta(?)].

As he struck that familiar pose, cool, way past chill. No sweat he shows. Knowing truth he knows. Nose knows he cannot disclose. It is funk. It is it: power. Power grows, no-one but he, better than he knows. Fortified and half the funk felt in months, he [disclose(?)], as funk run through him.

Deep Voice:
From his head down, down to his toes; (none fear).

[No cape said/says I’m over all other foes/nose(?)], so it’d be wise, others doze.
[Eyes-eyes-a-eyes(?)] he did not close. [In(?)], again and again, overplaying, he goes to [select, that model, while plump,(?)] [bruel clothes(?), into the big], some others throws. [But(?)] the motor-booty, [big-butt-bomb], blow, as then, and then, and, then at that moment the players in time funk[in’// in(?)] [forever/we(?)]] be froze.

Lady Abstract (Rap):
Those who know, and they know that they know, they don’t know those that don’t know they know that he dont’ know, don’t know. [He go fakin’ up on] just-like-a-Pinocchio. Fakin’ as the nose grow out the win-dow. (Ha!) [Every scene/casio] can know, every time they think they know, being nosey, I suppose, he just don’t know. (Ha!) As much as he be thinking he knows, bustas think they know about that George Clinton funk and that Lady Abstract flow, but they don’t know that, those who knows not, the Nose he knows not, know-o.

Solo Woman (Singer):
Those who know not, those who knows not, know. [with GC:] [ Those who knows, and knows, and knows(?)], knows not.

As [replace the fleece/police(?)], there was a golden [nose(?)], [in the motor-signal fleet(?)], burn into the golden rose, with his toe, as the story goes. Come the day after new sun arose. Down, way down [North(?),] up river, [closin’(?)] up South. Even a bird [goes(?)] once [there, play/place (?)] the magic word. A palm against the [princes/ses, noses (?)]. “Who so ever behold [glory whole(?)], now, forever and [for-ensures(?)] that [braunny(?)] funk forever, [(forever) flows(?)], [for now sacred spell bestoes(?)]”. Nosey nosey, so he knows. He knows Nosey knows. Nosey knows, nose, Nosey no-knows Nosey No-Nose, Nosey knows Nozy, not to be [seen in those third nose club(?)]. As he’s [dreamin’(?)] of a-million bones; cool. Cool, way past chill. Nosey’s [spreads/bed he shows/chose(?)]. Knowing true, they [Nose knows Nose, again, not to flow(?)]. Hip, it is funk[y(?)] in a zip-pound, bro, doin’ what [Nose(?)] better than me. Nose [sleep/sweep/sweet sign], now the funk will and must dispose, as funk runs through him. From his head down to his toes, Nose fear him, Nose fear him [slip(?)] all others [?]; all others dumb, all others die[d(?)], [ eyes close(?)].

Again, again, again and again. [On plan(?)] he goes to select that [mover(?)] while [our(?)], funk slowly grooves into the mix, some [on(?)] it. He throws motor, motor-boppin’ motor-booty, the butt-bomb, blows, and then,

Deep Voice:
at that moment, [that waste of dime/time(?)], funk, funk forever, forever froze.

Nosey? (GC):
Nosey knows, Nosey knows, he knows not.

Nosey knows not[.The Nose(?)], he knows not, know(s).

(Nose, he knows, he knows, he knows, he knows not.)

Nosey knows not; I knows he knows not, not.

Nosey, he knows, he knows, he knows, he knows not.

Nosey knows not, Nosey knows not, knows.

Nosey, he knows, he knows, he knows, he knows not.

Deep Voice: It’s all like roses. It’s all like thorns. [Then(?)] [(?)]
Chorus: Nosey knows not, Nosey knows not, knows.

Deep Voice: [it’s just gonna grow yet (?)], [__ there on the one (?)], [all like blows, all like hoes, heh (?)]
Chorus: Nosey, he knows, he knows, he knows, he knows not. (Hey)

Deep Voice: [Nosey knows(?)], so if he knows, he knows
Chorus: Those who know [not(?)], those who not, knows